How to Choose the Right Drain Cleaning Method for Your Home

Your home’s drains carry a lot of organic debris, ranging from hair and soap scum to grease and food scraps. These substances can wreak havoc on your home’s pipes and cause foul odors.

Regular drain cleaning can prevent clogs and keep your plumbing working properly. Read on to learn more about this important task. Visit to learn more.

drain cleaning

Hydro-jetting is one of the most powerful drain cleaning methods available. It blasts water with immense pressure, scouring away everything from clogs to tree roots and even hard-to-reach mineral buildup. It’s also an environmentally friendly option because it uses only water. By comparison, chemical drain cleaners introduce silica sand and other harmful substances into the wastewater system.

Plumbing experts recommend hydrojetting for severe clogs that don’t respond to other methods. It’s also a great way to clean the entire length of your sewer line, which isn’t always possible with snaking or other tools.

The basic procedure for hydro-jetting is to use a hose with a directional nozzle attached. The plumber will position the nozzle at or near the clog and turn on the water. For maximum coverage, the hose can be directed at various angles, including forward and backward. There are also different nozzles designed to handle different types of blockages. Some are made to cut through tough materials, while others work best on softer debris like hair or grease.

Once the nozzle is at the clog, the pressurized water shoots out and breaks apart the clog. It’s then washed away with the rest of the sewage. The sheer force of the water is enough to cut through almost anything, including dried concrete and wood. It can even pulverize a pesky tree root and wash it away.

The hydro-jetting process is quick, effective, and affordable compared to other drain cleaning options. In addition to preventing future clogs, it can help extend the lifespan of your pipes by removing corrosive substances. The only drawback to this method is that it can damage fragile or older pipes. This is why plumbing professionals recommend a video inspection of your pipes before using any drain cleaning method.

The most important factor when considering hydrojetting is ensuring that the drain or sewer line has proper access to the sewer cleanout. Without this, it’s impossible to remove the entire clog. If your clog is due to a collapsed pipe, hydrojetting isn’t likely to be effective.

Chemical drain cleaners are pure or mixed substances used to unblock a drain or pipe. They come in liquid and solid forms and are usually sold at hardware stores. They can be used alone or in conjunction with mechanical drain cleaners for a more thorough clean. Generally, they fall into three categories: acid drain cleaners, oxidizing drain cleaners and caustic drain cleaners. They all contain high-intensity active ingredients, says Envirofluid. The chemicals in acid drain cleaners, for example, are highly corrosive and can damage pipes if used improperly. These cleaners also produce toxic fumes that can irritate the respiratory tract.

Oxidizing drain cleaners, on the other hand, use chemical reactions to break down organic blockages and are effective against hair or grease. They usually contain chemicals like bleach, hydrogen peroxide or nitrates. They are less harsh than acidic cleaners but can still cause pipe corrosion if they are not rinsed off completely. Caustic drain cleaners, meanwhile, typically contain sodium hydroxide or lye (modern commercial lye) in solid form and are best for breaking apart fats and oils.

When using these products, it is important to read the instructions carefully and follow them to the letter. It is also a good idea to wear gloves and goggles, as many of these products can irritate the skin and eyes. Furthermore, they can also emit harmful fumes that can aggravate your respiratory tract and cause headaches and nausea.

If you do happen to inhale the chemicals, it is a good idea to drink some milk right away. Doing so will help protect your stomach and kidneys, but it’s not a substitute for medical attention. In the long run, repeated exposure to such chemicals can weaken your lungs and cause brain damage.

While it may be tempting to glug down chemical drain cleaners in a desperate attempt to fix a blocked drain, it’s a better idea to call a plumber from They can diagnose the problem and recommend more permanent solutions. Besides, using chemical drain cleaners can conceal the true cause of your blocked drain and make it worse in the future.

Many people use baking soda and vinegar as a DIY drain cleaner. The idea behind this is that the two products have natural cleaning properties and don’t contain sodium hydroxide, a dangerous chemical found in store-bought drain cleaners. Unfortunately, this DIY hack isn’t as effective as it might seem.

While a vinegar and baking soda mixture might help clear some minor clogs, it won’t work on major blockages or clogs that occur deep within the pipe. It’s important to understand why this is before trying this home remedy for your clogged drain.

Vinegar has a high acid content and is an excellent deodorizer. It can dissolve a lot of soap scum and other organic material that has accumulated in your drain or garbage disposal.

Baking soda, on the other hand, is a common household product that can be used for a wide range of cleaning tasks. Its abrasive qualities can make short work of gunky, stuck-on stains and can also act as a mild degreaser. Using baking soda on a regular basis can prevent a build-up of grime and grease, which may lead to a drain clog.

To use baking soda and vinegar as a drain cleaner, start by boiling a pot of water. Pour about a half-gallon of the hot water down your drain. Then, sprinkle about 1 cup of baking soda down the drain. Cover the drain with a stopper and let the mixture fizz for about 30 minutes. After the time is up, flush your drain with a second pot of boiling water.

Repeat this process as needed to keep your drains and garbage disposal clean and fresh. Keep in mind, however, that the abrasive nature of baking soda can damage some types of pipes over time. If you have old, galvanized pipes, this solution might not be a good choice for you. Also, it is important to note that using too much baking soda can create a dangerous gas. If you are unsure about the condition of your pipes, it is always best to call an expert.

Biological cleaners are a blend of natural bacteria and enzymes that are designed to eat away at hair, grease, food, soap scum, and other organic material that builds up in waste pipes. These cleaners are much safer than chemical drain cleaners, which can actually cause pipe cracking and leaks over time. They are also environmentally friendly and safe for children and pets. However, you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and test any cleaning product on a small area before using it.

Unlike liquid drain cleaners, biological cleaning products work deep into the microscopic pores of surfaces and materials to offer a complete clean. They also continue to clean after they are used (residual cleaning) which makes them more cost-effective in the long run. These cleaning solutions are safe for the environment and humans and pets, and they don’t produce any fumes that can irritate people or animals.

The bacteria and enzymes in biological drain cleaners are derived from nature and mimic the way that natural microbes break down animal and vegetable waste. The waste is converted into carbon dioxide and mineral ash that is usable for plant life. The products are formulated to be safe for home and commercial use. They are effective for a wide range of pipe sizes and materials and can be used in conjunction with septic systems.

Some biological products are fast-acting and can dissolve a large portion of a blockage in a short amount of time. Other biological products are slower-acting but can digest fats, oils, and greases (FOG) that have solidified in drain pipes and septic systems. They may be more effective when used in conjunction with a drain snake.

Biological drain cleaners are often used as a preventive measure to keep drain lines clear and working properly. They can be used regularly to help avoid the build-up of organic material that can lead to clogs and unpleasant odors. They are also less invasive than chemical cleaners, which can damage pipes and leave toxic chemicals in the water supply.